주소가 중구난방이거나 정식 도로명주소 등이 필요할 때 유용한 함수를 만들었다.
juso.go.kr에서 파싱해오는 방식임
Option Explicit Function ConvertAddress(MyText As String, Optional WhichAddress As Integer) As String 'Dim oHtml As New HTMLDocument Dim oHtml As Object Dim myURL As String, postData As String Dim winHttpReq As Object Dim tmp As String myURL = "http://www.juso.go.kr/support/AddressMainSearch.do?searchType=TOTAL" '주소 변환 사이트 'postData = "searchKeyword=" & WorksheetFunction.EncodeURL(MyText) '검색어(EncodeURL 은 2013 이상에서 사용 가능) postData = "searchKeyword=" & ENDECODingURL(MyText) Set oHtml = CreateObject("htmlfile") Set winHttpReq = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") With winHttpReq '검색어로 웹소스 가져오기 .Open "POST", myURL, False .SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" .Send (postData) oHtml.body.innerHTML = .responseText End With Set winHttpReq = Nothing Select Case WhichAddress Case 2: tmp = oHtml.getElementById("lndnAddr1").Value '2일 때 구주소 Case Else: tmp = oHtml.getElementById("rnAddr1").Value '나머지는 신주소 End Select tmp = Replace(tmp, "<b>", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "</b>", "") ConvertAddress = tmp End Function Function ENDECODingURL(varText As String, Optional blnEncode = True) Static objHtmlfile As Object If objHtmlfile Is Nothing Then Set objHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile") With objHtmlfile.parentWindow .execScript "function encode(s) {return encodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript" .execScript "function decode(s) {return decodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript" End With End If If blnEncode Then ENDECODingURL = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.encode(varText) Else ENDECODingURL = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.decode(varText) End If End Function | cs |
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