
  • 당비휴 근무일지 달력
    VB(A) 2023. 2. 10. 14:45


    3월에 휴가 미리 잡을려고 만든 달력

    부산 당비휴 근무기준.

    기존 코드에서 이리 붙이고 저리 붙이고 ㅋㅋㅋ


    (부전) 휴가달력_입력.xlsm


    Option Explicit
    Sub Calendar()
    '연도별 달력 만들기
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim Days As Integer, StartDay As Integer
        Dim Row As Integer, cnt As Integer
        Dim InputYear As Integer
        Dim theDay As Date
        Dim formSheet As Worksheet
        Dim v(2) As String
        Dim SelectedDate As Date, StartDate As Date '매월 1일, 근무설정 기준일
        Dim intCycle As Integer
        Dim cntW As Integer
        Set formSheet = Sheets("서식")  '서식시트
            formSheet.Visible = True   '서식 시트 보이게
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = False
            .EnableEvents = False
            .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
            '기존 워크시트 삭제
            .DisplayAlerts = False
                For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
                    If Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name <> "서식" Then
                    End If
                Next i
            .DisplayAlerts = True
        End With
        '에러나면 매크로 종료
        On Error GoTo j
        InputYear = CInt(InputBox("몇 년도 달력을 만드세요??", "달력 만들기", year(Date)))
        StartDate = DateSerial(2023, 1, 1)  '근무기준일
        v(0) = "1당"
        v(1) = "2당"
        v(2) = "3당"
        For i = 1 To 12
            '서식시트에서 시트복사 후 시트명 변경
            formSheet.Copy after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
            Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = i & "월"
            SelectedDate = DateSerial(InputYear, i, 1) '매월 1일
            '월별 달력 만들기
            Range("B1") = InputYear & "년 " & i & "월 부전센터 휴가예정표"   '제목열 출력
            Days = DateSerial(InputYear, i + 1, 1) - DateSerial(InputYear, i, 1)    '그 달의 총 날짜
            StartDay = Weekday(DateSerial(InputYear, i, 1), vbSunday) + 1   '달력 시작하는 날짜
            StartDay = StartDay + (StartDay - 2)
            Row = 4
            cnt = 1
            intCycle = UBound(v) + 1
            '해당일이 주기 중 몇번째인지 찾아냄
            If SelectedDate >= StartDate Then
                cntW = (SelectedDate - StartDate) Mod intCycle
                cntW = intCycle - ((StartDate - SelectedDate) Mod intCycle)
                If cntW = intCycle Then cntW = 0
            End If
            '달력 입력
                theDay = DateSerial(InputYear, i, cnt)
                With Cells(Row, StartDay)
                    .Value = Format(theDay, "d")    '날짜 출력
                    If cntW > intCycle Then cntW = cntW - intCycle
                    If cntW = intCycle Then cntW = 0
                    Cells(Row, StartDay + 1) = v(cntW)
                    cntW = cntW + 1
                    '주말, 공휴일은 빨간색으로
                    With .Font
                        Select Case Weekday(theDay)
                            Case 1: .Color = vbRed
                            Case 7: .Color = vbBlue
                        End Select
                        Select Case Format(theDay, "m.d")
                            Case "1.1", "3.1", "5.5", "6.6", "8.15", "10.3", "10.9", "12.25"
                            .Color = vbRed
                        End Select
                        Select Case Sol2Lun(InputYear, i, cnt)
                            Case "1.1", "1.2", "4.8", "8.14", "8.15", "8.16"
                            .Color = vbRed
                        End Select
                        If Sol2Lun(year(theDay + 1), Month(theDay + 1), Day(theDay + 1)) = "1.1" Then: .Color = vbRed '구정 전날은 전년도 12.31이므로 별도 설정
                        Select Case theDay
                            Case #9/29/2015#, #2/10/2016#, #1/30/2017#, #9/26/2018#, #5/7/2018#, #5/6/2019#, #1/27/2020#, #9/12/2022#, #1/24/2023#, #2/12/2024#, #5/6/2024#, #10/8/2025#, #2/9/2027#, #9/24/2029#, #5/7/2029#
                                .Color = vbRed
                        End Select
                    End With
                End With
                StartDay = StartDay + 2
                cnt = cnt + 1
                If StartDay = 16 Then
                    StartDay = 2
                    Row = Row + 8
                End If
            Loop While cnt <= Days
        Next i
        formSheet.Visible = False
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = True
            .EnableEvents = True
            .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
        End With
    End Sub

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